Carabay Packaging

General Info

Company name: Carabay Packaging

Description: Carabay Packaging Products stock over 2,500 quality packaging products in our warehouse including, Cardboard Boxes, Tape, Catering Disposables, Paper Bags, Cleaning Supplies, Wrapping Materials, Parcel Protection as well as Packaging Tools & Equipment. We also have facilities for the manufacturing and printing of any requirements required, so if there is anything that you might need our sales team is always on the end of the phone to advise you on what we can do for you. Carabay Packaging Products is based in Liosban Ind. Estate, Tuam rd, Galway. This family run company is one of the largest Irish owned stockists of quality packaging products to all sectors in Ireland, with over 50 years experience in the industry. We sell to both wholesale and retail consumers. Retail consumers usually find us when they are moving house. Moving house is probably one of the highest stress inducing tasks you could ever undertake. You might think “No it’s just packing things into moving boxes and getting on with it.” Well think again there’s much more layers to it than first appearances may convey! Not only is saying goodbye to the place you called home an emotional workload but there’s a huge physical workload to undertake. Especially if it’s your first time moving house, you are not prepared! The first step is to decide what you’re taking with you…wait! No it isn’t! The first step is to get some Moving Boxes and Moving Supplies so you have somewhere to pack away those things your taking with you! Otherwise you’re just doubling the work load of moving house! There's no better place to get your packaging supplies than Carabay Packaging Products, whether your a business looking for Wholesale Quantity's or if you're a consumer who just needs a few boxes.


Liosban Industrial Estate, Units 1 - 5, Tuam Rd, Galway, H91 C793, Ireland

Shipping company
Packaging machinery
Shipping and mailing service
Packaging company
Shipping service
Moving company
Packaging supply store
Moving supply store
Phone numbers
  +353 91 773 370