River Teign Rowing Club

General Info

Company name: River Teign Rowing Club

Description: River Teign Rowing Club Seine Boat Series is an Annual race event involving timed, river and open sea races and just one of the ways that rowers can participate in the club. The races are open to all levels of rower from novice, leisure and the more competitive among us. Gig Rowing is another section of the RTRC and they largely take part in CPGA Regatta Events which are spread all over the South West Region. The biggest of which is the Annual World Championships held on the Isles Of Scilly. These are a more competitive series of events but Gigs welcome all to try rowing on the novice nights held during the summer season The Sculling Section of the RTRC although the smallest is steadily growing with rowers being able to take part in many styles of boat including the 4 member Open Ocean Style Scull Boat Join River Teign Rowing Club Founded over 20 years ago, we are the heart and soul of Teignmouth Rowing. Upcoming Events [ecs-list-events month=’2017-12′] For the complete events calendar please click here. For the Seine Boat Race Dates please click here. var tt_height = '300px'; var tt_width = '300px'; Recent News


9 Strand, Teignmouth TQ14 8BW, United Kingdom

Rowing club
Phone numbers
  +44 1626 773965