Websters Dairy

General Info

Company name: Websters Dairy

Description: Nestled in the idyllic hamlet of Saxelbye, Leicestershire is a row of 17th century cottages that's home to Websters, where we lovingly produce the finest quality blue stilton cheese. But the tranquillity of the village is starkly contrasted by the non-stop bustle of activity in the dairy. Likely as not, the first person you’ll bump into will be Lynn – with us for over 20 years and still smiling! Then there’s Mark, our general manager, master stilton-maker of some 25 years standing and always rushing about. In fact most of the team have been with us for many years. Oh, and the voice you’ll hear above all others will be mine, Margaret Callow, or ‘mother hen’ if you like - we’re all one big happy family at Websters!

  Melton Mowbray

5 Main St, Saxelbye, Melton Mowbray LE14 3PQ, United Kingdom

Dairy farm
Phone numbers
  +44 1664 812223