Lynden J and Associates

General Info

Company name: Lynden J and Associates

Description: Lynden J. And Associates has been in business since 1987 wiht a reputation for quality and service. We provide our clients with an effective combination of technology, service, and convenience for all your litigation needs with the highest quality and cost-effective pricing: Technology, LiveNote real-time, Exhibits digitally scanned and hyperlinked in your electronic transcript, Online transcript/exhibit secured repository, Transcripts prepared with word index, spine printed case information, and exhibit tabs, Audio/video/CD transcription services, Legal videographers and court-certified interpreters, Spanish to English transcription, Deposition suites available throughout Southern California including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego County, and Riverside County, Access to qualified and experienced court reporters worldwide through our online deposition scheduling service

  Santa Ana

207 W 20th St, Santa Ana, CA 92706, United States

Transcription service
Court reporter
Phone numbers
  +1 714-542-6500