Enney Ranch

General Info

Company name: Enney Ranch

Description: Located in the Salinas Valley of San Luis Obispo County, California, the Enney Ranch is one of the few remaining grain operations in the area. Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Paso Robles region was known for its grain production. The pioneer families that settled here grew Spanish wheat and sold it to the local mills. Wagons loaded with wheat and barley would line up at the mills in San Miguel, Paso Robles and Templeton where the grain would be offloaded, cleaned, bagged and transferred to trains that would take it south to Los Angeles or north to San Francisco. Today the region is known for its wine more than for its wheat.

  San Miguel

6310 Von Dollen Rd, San Miguel, CA 93451, United States

Agriculture cooperative
Phone numbers
  +1 760-622-5889