United States Interior Designers

High-quality list of companies with thousands of records with emails, addresses and phone numbers

Download Excel   $149


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What you will get




verified emails


phone numbers

Our Interior Designers Email List is a comprehensive and high-quality mailing list of companies that specialize in interior design services. It includes 9332 records of companies, ranging from interior designers and kitchen remodelers to furniture stores and architects. The list is segmented by US state and city, allowing you to target potential customers in the most populated areas such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Atlanta.

The Interior Designers Email List is ideal for businesses in the home improvement industry, as well as marketing professionals looking to generate leads and promote their services to the right target audience. With the list, you can easily create targeted campaigns to reach out to potential customers, increase brand awareness, and boost ROI.

100% Verified Emails

All emails are checked
for deliverability

Always Up-To-Date

This list contains freshly
web-researched data

Download as CSV file

Open CSV files in Excel or any
other spreadsheet program

Customer Reviews

Average: 4.50 (84 reviews)

So far it served its purpose. Good collection but not very complete
had about 3-4% bounce rate which is okay
Peter Grebenshekov
No option to download emails as .txt file, I had to convert it manually
I am working at a marketing agency and I can tell that the quality is really good. I used the list several times, bounce rate is pretty low
found tons of new customers. thank you!

Top categories

The most frequent categories in the list

  • Interior designer
  • Kitchen remodeler
  • Furniture store
  • Bathroom remodeler
  • Architect
  • Home goods store
  • Interior decorator
  • Window treatment store
  • Remodeler
  • Architectural designer

Top locations

Number of companies in the list by location

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Free version Full version
Companies 7851 7851
Organization name
Phone Partial
Email Partial
Website Partial
Address Partial
Postcode Partial
Category Partial
Category 2 Partial
Price Free $149.00

Interior Designers Mailing List

An interior designer email list can be a valuable asset to any business. By having access to a list of interior designers, businesses can target their marketing efforts to those who are most likely to be interested in their products or services. With the right list, businesses can reach out to interior designers and present their offerings in a way that is more likely to be successful.

The list could also be used to build relationships with interior designers. By creating a personal connection with them, businesses can better understand their needs and better tailor their offerings accordingly. This can help businesses gain a better understanding of the interior design market and be in a better position to create products and services that meet the needs of their customers.

In addition, an interior designer email list can be used to promote special offers and discounts. Businesses can use the list to send out announcements about new products, sales, and promotions. By taking advantage of the list, businesses can reach a larger number of potential customers and increase their chances of making a sale.

Overall, an interior designer email list can be a powerful tool for businesses. By targeting their marketing efforts to those who are most likely to be interested in their products or services, businesses can increase their chances of success. By establishing relationships with interior designers, they can better understand their needs and create more effective products and services. Finally, businesses can use the list to reach out to potential customers and promote special offers and discounts. With the right list, businesses can increase their reach and their chances of making a sale.

Why bulkdata.io?

We provide a high-quality interior designers mailing list that can be used for electronic marketing and generating new leads for your business. We update our lists constantly by researching information from various web resources and it is highly unlikely that you get outdated information.

All our records were meticulously verified and updated using the latest information that is available on companies' websites. It ensures that we have the most accurate and up-to-date data.