United States Schools

High-quality list of companies with thousands of records with emails, addresses and phone numbers

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What you will get




verified emails


phone numbers

Our Schools Email List is a high-quality mailing list of companies in the United States for electronic marketing and leads generation. It contains 8822 records of schools, day care centers, private schools, preschools and elementary schools across the country. The list can be used by marketers, advertisers, businesses, or organizations to reach out to schools and make them aware of their products and services. Businesses can use this list to promote their products and services to schools, or to create targeted campaigns for their products and services. The list is organized by location, so it can be used to target specific areas. It also includes contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, and website URLs. This list is a great way to reach out to a wide range of schools in the United States.

100% Verified Emails

All emails are checked
for deliverability

Always Up-To-Date

This list contains freshly
web-researched data

Download as CSV file

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other spreadsheet program

Customer Reviews

Average: 4.50 (84 reviews)

it contains all information that I need. the price is great too. Thanks a lot
Good quality email list. I had bad experince with other providr but here I got very high conversion out of my emails
Free sample is not full. Bought full version, works great!
found tons of new customers. thank you!
Peter Grebenshekov
No option to download emails as .txt file, I had to convert it manually

Top categories

The most frequent categories in the list

  • Preschool
  • School
  • Private educational institution
  • Day care center
  • Elementary school
  • High school
  • Middle school
  • Kindergarten
  • Non-profit organization
  • Child care agency

Top locations

Number of companies in the list by location

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Free version Full version
Companies 8058 8058
Organization name
Phone Partial
Email Partial
Website Partial
Address Partial
Postcode Partial
Category Partial
Category 2 Partial
Price Free $149.00

Schools Mailing List

Schools email lists can be a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience. They provide a direct line of communication to students, teachers, and administrators that can help businesses to promote their products and services. With a schools email list, businesses can easily send out targeted messages to those who may be interested in their offerings.

One of the most popular uses of school email lists is for promotional campaigns. Companies can use the list to send out special offers, discounts, or notifications about upcoming events or specials. This can be a great way to generate interest in a product or service and draw in potential customers.

Schools email lists can also be used for surveys and research. Companies can use the list to ask students and teachers for their opinion on topics related to their business. This can provide valuable feedback that can be used to improve the company's offerings and make them more attractive to customers.

Finally, schools email lists can be used to connect with alumni. Businesses can use the list to send out invitations to alumni events or other special events. This can be a great way to build relationships with former students and teachers and reconnect with the community.

Overall, schools email lists can be a valuable asset for businesses. They provide a direct line of communication to potential customers and can be used to promote products and services, gather feedback, and build relationships with alumni. With the right strategy and a well-crafted message, businesses can use schools email lists to their advantage and gain valuable customers.

Why bulkdata.io?

We provide a high-quality schools mailing list that can be used for electronic marketing and generating new leads for your business. We update our lists constantly by researching information from various web resources and it is highly unlikely that you get outdated information.

All our records were meticulously verified and updated using the latest information that is available on companies' websites. It ensures that we have the most accurate and up-to-date data.