United States Takeaway Meal Companies

High-quality list of companies with thousands of records with emails, addresses and phone numbers

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What you will get




verified emails


phone numbers

The Takeaway Meal Companies Email List is a high-quality mailing list of companies for electronic marketing and leads generation. This list contains 2486 companies from the United States and is categorized into takeout restaurants, restaurants, sandwich shops, meal delivery, caterers, and other related services. Each entry contains detailed information such as company name, address, phone number, website, email address, and more. This list is perfect for businesses looking to target potential customers in the takeaway meal industry, such as restaurants, caterers, and meal delivery services. It can also be used to contact potential partners, such as local suppliers or distributors. With this list, businesses can easily identify potential customers and develop effective marketing campaigns to reach them.

100% Verified Emails

All emails are checked
for deliverability

Always Up-To-Date

This list contains freshly
web-researched data

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other spreadsheet program

Customer Reviews

Average: 4.50 (84 reviews)

Peter Grebenshekov
No option to download emails as .txt file, I had to convert it manually
found a few companies with incorrect category but looks like most of them are good
Thank you
great value
Not sure how up-to-date is it, found a few outdated emails but overall looks nice
helps me out in gathering leads for my business

Top categories

The most frequent categories in the list

  • Takeout restaurant
  • Restaurant
  • Sandwich shop
  • Meal delivery
  • Caterer
  • Pizza restaurant
  • Lunch restaurant
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Bar
  • American restaurant

Top locations

Number of companies in the list by location

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Companies 2007 2007
Organization name
Phone Partial
Email Partial
Website Partial
Address Partial
Postcode Partial
Category Partial
Category 2 Partial
Price Free $99.00

Takeaway Meal Companies Mailing List

Having a takeaway meal companies email list could be a great asset to any business. Being able to contact these companies and establish partnerships can help expand both customer base and revenue. A takeaway meal companies email list could be used to get in touch with potential customers and build relationships with them. By utilizing the email list, businesses can send out promotional messages, coupons, and other incentives to help draw in more customers.

Additionally, having a takeaway meal companies email list can help businesses better understand their target market. By studying the emails that are sent out, businesses can gain valuable insight into what kind of customers are interested in their product or service. This can be helpful when it comes to creating marketing materials and making sure they are targeting the right demographic.

Finally, having an email list can help businesses stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry. By keeping tabs on the new products and services that the takeaway meal companies are offering, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and offer their own unique services that will draw in more customers.

Overall, having a takeaway meal companies email list can be a great asset to any business. It can help businesses stay connected with their potential customers, better understand their target market, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry.

Why bulkdata.io?

We provide a high-quality takeaway meal companies mailing list that can be used for electronic marketing and generating new leads for your business. We update our lists constantly by researching information from various web resources and it is highly unlikely that you get outdated information.

All our records were meticulously verified and updated using the latest information that is available on companies' websites. It ensures that we have the most accurate and up-to-date data.