Cloontuskert Community Polytunnel

General Info

Company name: Cloontuskert Community Polytunnel

Description: Cloontuskert (Cluain Tuaiscirt – The Northern Meadow) is a jewel in the crown of rural county Roscommon. Lying at the foot of the Sliabh Bawn mountain, the village boasts an exciting past that has shaped the very nub of what it is today. Its colloquial name, “The Abbey”, provides a valuable hint as to the ancient beginnings of the area. The village is situated in East county Roscommon on the R371, with the nearest town of Lanesborough, Co. Longford located 3.2 km away and the county town of Roscommon positioned at a distance of 16 km westwards on the N63. The surrounding landscape is largely dominated by the extensive tracts of bogland located in the area. It is to this feature that the Cloontuskert housing estate owes it formation. In 1953 the estate was officially opened as one of the original Bord na Móna villages which catered for the families of workers who came from all over Ireland to gain employment on the bogs. ​ Cloontuskert is known for its participation in the Tidy Towns competition, in which it has been an entrant since 1965. Such participation has been a catalyst down through the years for achieving continual improvement of our village. ​Having amassed numerous awards down through the years, we are hoping that we can further our upward march in 2021, having been scored the four-in-a-row of national Bronze medals in 2019 and the Irish Value Water Special Award in 2017.


Community Polytunnel, Cloontuskert, Lanesborough, Co. Longford, Ireland

Community garden