Kingsland Bowling Club

General Info

Company name: Kingsland Bowling Club

Description: From Monday 8th June, the green will be open to all playing members of KBC. The following arrangements must be followed to allow safe playing conditions in the current crisis. Rinks must be booked through Malcolm by either telephoning him on 01568 612633 or through The green will be divided into six rinks. 1,3 and 5 will be available Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. 2,4 and 6 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A two-hour slot will be available- 10-12,12-2,2-4,4-6,6-8. Please note mowing will take place on Wednesdays and Sundays until 11.30. Only two players per rink until further notice. These can be from different households. Bowlers to come dressed in casual clothes to play bowls. Shoes to be changed in the car park. The bowls store is not available. Six jacks and mats will be placed on the plant stand (near the entrance gate) so that bowlers can replace and then disinfect the mats and jacks before and after use. One person to be responsible for the mat and one for the jack. Disinfectant will be next to the mats for use. Access to the clubhouse is restricted to using a toilet if necessary. Solitary entry is through the rear fire escape door following the designated route. The only toilet available is the disabled one. This will be cleaned every day. The club’s benches and bins are not to be used (apart from the bin in the toilet) If required bowlers can bring their own foldable chair to sit on. Social distancing to be maintained at all times. The club accepts no liability for injury, damage or contracting Covid 19. All members who participate do so at their own risk. Please refer also to the Health & Safety Policy (June 2020) and to Appendix A covering the Risk Assessments for normal activities and Appendix B covering the Risk Assessments activities whilst operating under Covid 19 conditions. These documents are important and can be found in the Policy Section of the website.


B4360, Kingsland, Leominster HR6 9QN, United Kingdom

Lawn bowls club
Phone numbers
  +44 1568 770546
  +44 1568 614432