Wood Goldstraw Yorath LLP

General Info

Company name: Wood Goldstraw Yorath LLP

Description: As a responsible employer, we take the health, safety and welfare of our staff, clients and colleagues very seriously and so are closely monitoring and adhering to all advice issued by the UK Government, The NHS and Public Health England. Although the current situation is unprecedented and concerning for us all, we wish to reassure clients and colleagues that we remain open for business and are continuing to work and support our clients through this difficult period. We operate on a ‘paper light’ basis and, over the past few years, have invested heavily in cutting-edge technology to provide a digital working environment where we can, quite literally, work efficiently from virtually anywhere. Accordingly, and in compliance with the current Government directive, this has enabled us to deploy our staff to work from home who will continue to work as normal on all ongoing and imminent projects. Please note that our Practice policy during this period, is to refrain from any face to face meetings (except for very exceptional circumstances) but, as and when required, we will hold virtual meetings (using Skype or other similar video conferencing platforms), carry out essential unaccompanied site visits/inspections, and maintain dialogue via conference calls, mobile phone and e-mail.


Churchill House, 47 Regent Rd, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3RH, United Kingdom

Quantity surveyor
Phone numbers
  +44 1782 208000