Janet Birmingham School of Dance

General Info

Company name: Janet Birmingham School of Dance

Description: The Janet Birmingham School of Dance is based at two locations in Warrington, both of which are licensed. You will soon learn the basics of modern sequence, ballroom and Latin American dancing in a friendly and social environment. Classes are run for adults of all abilities, starting with absolute beginners, and there is plenty of opportunity to practice your newly learnt steps at the follow on socials, which take place after classes on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Dances taught include rock & roll and jive, cha cha cha, waltz, quickstep, tango, foxtrot, rumba, samba, and many more, including all the popular and latest sequence dances too. Dancing to modern music, it's also great exercise, great fun, and an opportunity to make new friends. For further details of all classes, prices, dance nights or just to make an enquiry, please contact Janet or Ken Birmingham on 0151 423 2394 or janetbirmingham@hotmail.co.uk


24 Dykin Rd, Widnes WA8 3HN, United Kingdom

Dance school
Dance company
Ballroom dance instructor
Phone numbers
  +44 151 423 2394