McGrew Engineering Company Ltd.

General Info

Company name: McGrew Engineering Company Ltd.

Description: McGrew Engineering Company. was incorporated on May 17, 1979 as a Pvt. Ltd company. The first chairman of the company was Mr. Andrew A Williams, a prominent British businessman. The Managing Director at that time was Rear Admiral Kirpal Singh, a war veteran, with a distinguished record in the Indian Navy. The two shared a vision of building national capacity for the nascent offshore oil industry by providing diving, underwater engineering and allied services for the new projects in Bombay High. To this end, the Company formed an association with Taylor Diving & Salvage Company Inc, a subsidiary of the US-based Halliburton Group and commenced diving operations the same year. Through this association, MGEC became the first company to acquire the technology for all aspects of offshore diving and, underwater engineering. To date, it remains the leading company in this field. MGEC has since, expanded its activities to include :


6 Ashton Old Rd, Openshaw, Manchester M11 4DW, United Kingdom

Industrial engineer
Phone numbers
  +44 7517 501662