Musser Landscaping, LLC.

General Info

Company name: Musser Landscaping, LLC.

Description: Working the land has always been a staple in the Musser family. We started out as farmers like many who set roots in Lancaster county. The bond a farmer has with the land, crops, plants, animals and the community around them is a good example of what makes the farmer such a compassionate and dedicated path to traverse. For us and many before us, this was not merely a job or a career, but it was a means to survival and your life. It was your identity within the community. That special bond with the land, the plants and the community still exists but in a more modern platform. Landscaping was a natural progression for us with everything we learned as farmers. Our relationship within the community now serves as not only a way to provide entertaining and relaxing outdoor experiences, but also as reliable service to take care of the things you do not have time or means to do yourself anymore.


30 Meadow Rd, Columbia, PA 17512, United States

Phone numbers
  +1 717-684-6340