File name: companies.csv
Records: 25 companies, 25 verified emails
Grimston, Saxelbye & Shoby Village Hall, Grimston, Leicestershire, LE14 3BZ. Grimston, Saxelbye and Shoby Village Hall is located in the picturesque village of Grimston in the vale of Belvoir. The hall benefits from car parking and a fully fitted kitchen and hosts a range of...
Little Easton Memorial Hall, the Village Hall for Little Easton, Dunmow, Essex
The Maud hardman-hoyle memorial hall & st michaels hall
Located in the heart of the village, Rocester Village Hall is a great venue for parties, meetings, concerts, discos, plays, business meetings, with wheelchair access.
The Joan Strong Centre Hall available to hire The Joan Strong Centre is run by Oundle Scout and Guide Management Committee. It is available for hire by members of the community for family parties, meetings and various classes. The hall holds a maximum of 100. Hire charge – £10 per hour or part hour. To […]
Weiherwiesen 2, 72141 Walddorfhäslach Telefon: 07127/92896-0 Mobil: 0151/70901021 E-Mail:
Discover Adelphi University, Long Island's oldest university for master's and bachelor’s degrees. Named best college by Princeton Review.
Don’t miss A Taste of Cape Porpoise, August 18th at 5:00 pm. Local lobster rolls..local photography and local music.
Internetseite der St. Antonius Schützenbruderschaft 1873 e.V. Ostwig<br />Startseite, Aktuelles, Majestäten, Galerien, Jungschützen, Schützeninfo, Presseartikel, Der Verein, Rund um die Schützenhalle, Mitglied werden, Termine, Gästebuch, Service, Links, Impressum, Datenschutz