File name: companies.csv
Records: 171 companies, 171 verified emails
A Lamp to my feet and a light to my Path We invite you to journey with us as we share with you our story – the story of Christ’s love for us About Us We are members of the Carmelite family, followers of St. Teresa of Avila. St Teresa, a woman for God, a … Home Read More »
International community of women religious, called to make visible the merciful love of God.
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour." Luke 1:46-47
We are a Roman Catholic religious order of sisters living lives of prayer and striving for justice.
Presently there are eleven Sisters assigned to the English Delegation, in two communities: Greenwich and Gossops Green,…
Home - Malahide Carmelite Nuns |
Maison du Grand Pré composée de religieuses et de laïcs, anime ce lieu et propose, à travers des activités culturelles, psycho-corporelles et spirituelles un cheminement vers un développement harmonieux de toute la personne ; chemin dans la conscience des valeurs de fraternité, d’ouverture, de dialogue, de justice et de paix.
Bienvenue chez les clarisses de Poligny
Le foyer Domini de Biarritz