Kidlington Methodist Church

General Info

Company name: Kidlington Methodist Church

Description: Services are continuing in the Hall while the building work is in progress. Face-to-Face Worship has now restarted and booking to attend services is no longer required. Most services are also available to join via Zoom - please email the stewards for the joining information. The Oxford Methodist Circuit's pre-recorded online worship also continues to be made available. We are continuing with some measures in order to keep each other as safe as we can. Please note the following points: Face masks are encouraged (unless leading worship), and hand sanitiser is available;Social distancing is recommended;Windows and doors will be kept open to aid ventilation, so the building may be cold;Singing is allowed, but we are doing this behind masks to keep each other safe;Coffee will be served in the hall after the service. In the midst of all this strangeness we are still able to worship God together. God is a refuge and a strength but God is also strange and mysterious. Perhaps in these times we may catch a glimpse of God in a new way. Our prayer is that we will indeed hear God’s message for us and our communities as we learn different ways of being followers of Jesus together.


Oxford Rd, Kidlington OX5 2BP, United Kingdom

Religious destination
Place of worship
Methodist church
Phone numbers
  +44 1865 373958